With the strength of the curved red oak laminations and softness of the braided rope, Cradle is an unconventional, comfortable seating that embraces and supports the body with a natural springing movement. 

Cradle is designed to support the body in multiple positions, where the curves intended for each position are formed to fit perfectly the dimensions of my body. The pocket in the center allows the form to envelop the body while still giving room to adjust in it.

The absence of the requirements of building a “chair” allowed me to truly push the limits of convention and explore challenging, non-traditional possibilities.

The clean white rope weaved throughout the legs gives the seating a full form, filling in the gaps while leaving the structure slightly exposed and providing a soft, comfortable surface to cradle into.

Cradle can be placed indoors or outdoors, in a living room or on a porch, where one can relax in any way desired. With a polyurethane finish on the red oak and the water-proof rope, it is safe to use outside.


Red oak, cherry, polypropylene solid braid white rope, screws
Spring 2013




1. More upright with curve adjusted to act as comfortable head rest  2. Fully reclined  3. Cross-legged




Playing with different concepts: improving posture, different kinds of movement (rocking, springing), multifunctionality


 Focusing on the ability to move freely and to comfortably embrace the user: couches, futons


Working around sitting and lying positions that I personally usually sit in or am comfortable in. Final concept emerging. 





After a full-scale mockup was made and its curves were adjusted, jigs were made based on those curves and red oak veneer strips were prepared.

The veneer was first cut into strips of the correct width, milled to the correct thickness, cut to the correct length, steam-bent, pre-bent in the jigs, laminated in the jigs, and finally cleaned up.